We are excited to share some updates coming to iCollege tomorrow, May 22! We will update this blog post on additional links to Knowledge Base articles as they are available, but we have shared a preview of what to expect in tomorrow’s update below.

Kaltura - Removing the Share Button

We have removed the Share button from most video locations. This prevents students from sharing your video content outside of your courses. To share your own videos outside of iCollege, log into mediaspace.gsu.edu, click My Media, and find the video you wish to share. You can then follow the steps in this guide to get a shareable link for your video

Kaltura - New Embedding Options, Gradebook Sync, and Better Statistics

You can now track how your students are interacting with Kaltura videos in your courses. This expanded functionality includes passing grades from In-Video Quizzes to the iCollege gradebook automatically. To begin using this new method, you must add videos to your course using the Existing Activities menu in the Content tool. Select Add Kaltura Media, and then choose the video or in-video quiz you wish to add to your course.Image shows the Existing Activities menu in iCollege Content. Add Kaltura Media is a new option on this menu.

For more information, please review the following articles:

Ally – Accessibility Checker Available in All Courses

Ally is software that integrates into iCollege to gauge the accessibility of online course content while providing guidance to instructors on how to improve the universal design of their content. Courses that have Ally activated have access to a course report that gives an overall accessibility score of the course, indicators that show the accessibility of individual content items, guidance on how to fix the accessibility of content, and downloadable alternative versions of course content for faculty and students. Note that Ally only reviews documents and Content Pages that are in course Content – Announcements, Discussions, Quizzes, and Assignments are not included in this review, nor are videos that have been added to course content. PDF files, Microsoft Word files, Microsoft PowerPoint files, OpenOffice/LibreOffice files, HTML files, and Image files (JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG, BPM, TIFF) are all included in the accessibility review.

This tool will appear automatically in your course Content. Note that the indicators are visible ONLY to the course instructor and TAs. This image shows the new accessibility rating tool for iCollege Content.

The Ally Course Report is available in the Course Tools menu and is also visible ONLY to the course instructor and TAs.

This image shows an example of the Ally course report. The report is rating the entire course at a 47 out of 100 and outlines specific content that should be addressed.

For more information on Ally, please review the Ally in iCollege article.

Quick Eval – Assess All Student Work from One Location

The Quick Eval tool has been added to the Assessments menu in all courses. This tool allows instructors to view all outstanding assessments in their courses including assignments, quizzes, and discussions. Once you choose an activity to grade, you will be taken to the grading interface for that tool.

An example of the Quick Eval interface with the Evaluate All option highlighted.

For more information on Quick Eval, please review the Quick Eval in iCollege article.

Navigation Updates

We have removed the Collaboration menu, and Webex is now available directly from the default course navigation menu.

We have added Rubrics to the Assessments menu to make this tool more easily available to instructors and students.