Welcome to the first CETL blog post of the new semester, year, and decade! This post is a team effort featuring Joju and Taylor. We’re here to let you know about some of the new projects the course and design team are working on this semester. We’ll both be working on full program-level design projects. What does a program design project involve? Well, being a program means multiple faculty and staff will be involved in the project versus having one to a few faculty working on a single course. Some of the primary tasks we’ll take on during these projects include curriculum mapping, faculty workshops, student persona creation, and more. Let’s take a moment and introduce what programs we’ll be working with this semester.


Master’s of Tax

Hello! Joju here, I will be partnering with Lynn Comer-Jones, Master of Taxation (MTX) Program Director, to create a fully online MTX program.  Tax Talent ranks the MTX program 12th in the U.S. and 1st in the Southeast. GSU’s MTX is one of only a few in the U.S. with a stand-alone tax analytics course. Moving the MTX online will further differentiate the program.  We will leverage the talents of our CETL team of expert learning experience designers, multimedia designers, data analysts and learning technologists to create an innovative, high-quality online learning experience right here at GSU. 

Every project we work on is different, and requires a custom approach to design.  The MTX program will begin with a flipped model of course design and delivery. Through observations, research and reflection I will take a deep-dive into Federal Taxation, Tax Research, Practice and Procedures and Taxation of Corporations and Shareholders. The insights gained from the initial strategy, planning and design experience will inform the overall program design and allow us to create a dynamic, fully online program from a solid foundation. 


Creative Media Industries Institute

Hi, Taylor here. For this semester, I’ll be partnering with the media entrepreneurship program. This program is a B.I.S. offered by the Creative Media Industries Institute (CMII). I’ve partnered with the CMII in the past to work on individual courses, special assignments, and outreach initiatives. All of the past projects have been great to work on but the media entrepreneurship program has me very hyped. 

One would be correct in assuming a degree program brings much more complexity than designing an individual course. On top of that, the media entrepreneurship program has the highest enrollment of any program at CMII, and the student body has a broad range of backgrounds and professional aspirations. These factors are sure to present unique challenges and opportunities and I’m excited to see how CETL is able to leverage our design processes and expertise in partnership with the CMII staff and faculty. 


We’ll both be posting blog updates as we work through the program design process with our respective partners so stay tuned for updates.

When Joju is not designing intriguing learning experiences she enjoys learning how to do bubbles at Dirty Debra’s Skate School.



Taylor spends his time at CETL designing learning experiences and eating assorted breads;