GSU’s Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) is looking for a passionate designer to liaison with our College of Law and work exclusively on online and hybrid law programs. The candidate who gets the job will be a member of CETL’s Learning Experience Design team, an excited group of folks who work together to collaboratively build our philosophy and processes. The candidate will also maintain close relationships with our different specialist teams at the CETL, including learning technology, data analytics, multimedia, and faculty development. This specialized setup allows our designers to work on a small number of projects focused on the researching, designing, and building out of learning experiences, while building community with other educational professionals. Our holistic, collaboratively-created, ever-evolving in-house design process is grounded in empirically validated practices, career relevance, and an asset-based approach to diversity.

A dream candidate for this job would already have the following competencies, but we’re also happy to talk to folks excited about growing in these ways:

  • Ecologically-informed practice crafted from diverse fields of study, local spaces and histories, and a personal philosophy. 
  • Superior relationship skills, including the ability to deftly code-switch verbal and written messaging between faculty, staff, and administration. 
  • Focus on student success, including considerations of long-term learning and thriving.
  • Pedagogical pragmatism rather than a fixed models-based approach.
  • Demonstrated experience successfully working with a team of peer experts. 
  • Demonstrated online and/or hybrid course design experience, especially in creating authentic assessment, communication, and information architecture strategies.
  • Demonstrated project management experience. 
  • Knowledge of user experience design best practices.

Submit a link to your portfolio along with your application to be fully considered for this job. Please make sure to include items related to online course design and project management. We look forward to talking with you!

Headshot photoSarah Hepler is the Manager of Learning Experience Design at the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning at Georgia State University. Works with an awesome group of designers and other educational professionals to create high-quality, community-focused, career-relevant learning experiences. In her spare time you’ll find her hanging out with Virginia Woolf, Thomas Pynchon, and Alan Moore.