Congratulations to GSU’s John Weber from the Mathematics department and our very own Garrett Dehart (not pictured) for winning the NSF’s, We Are Mathematics Video Competition! The video promotes John’s project SMILES (with fellow PIs Dennis Pearl from Penn State and Larry Lesser from The University of Texas at El Paso), which helps students learn introductory statistics through interactive song. The video had a public screening in May at the National Math Festival, a biennial event in Washington DC attended by 20,000 people.

In describing Garrett’s role, Larry Lesser had this to say, “[he] took our storyboard ideas and under a short deadline, made the final result better than we could have imagined and this is resulting in a nice additional level of recognition and visibility to our project. GSU’s CETL is lucky to have someone with your level of talent and professionalism.”

We couldn’t agree more!

To check out Garrett’s award-winning film, click here, and if you’d like to know more about how our multimedia team could help you, stop by our offices, or give us a call at 404.413.4700.

To learn more about the SMILES project, click here.