Integrating a new learning technology or digital courseware with iCollege or Canvas/Stacks requires that the requestor (faculty or staff) be willing to participate in the integration process.  
When integrating with iCollege or Canvas/Stacks, the GSU employee requesting the integration must be willing to serve as a sponsor for the integration. 
sponsor is responsible for the following: 

  • Initiating the integration request 
    Providing specifics such as: 

    • Vendor contact information 
    • Product description 
    • Desired Implementation timeline 
    • Funding information 
    • Contract information 
  • Assisting with testing the integration 
  • Testing in the iCollege development environment 
  • Testing in the iCollege production environment 
  • Final approval to release the integration 

To get an integration project started, enter an integration request.   
CETL staff will contact you within 2 business days to begin the integration project.  
A typical integration project can require as long as 2 months to be completed. 

CETL provides a Learning Technology Evaluation Toolkit that can help sponsors gather the required information for integration.