Do you have a few minutes to increase your knowledge about iCollege or other technology integration tools?   CETL will be hosting several short webinars to help you stay in the know about technology that you can use in your classroom.

Join us in our WebEx room on the following dates at Noon.  No need to register just meet us here:

Our first event will be THIS Wednesday, February 13, 2019 and we will discuss setting up quizzes in iCollege.

February 13, 2019 Quizzing set up: question types, settings, the tabs and what they mean and attaching a quiz to the grade book  
February 20, 2019 Lockdown browser and Responds Monitor: setting them up and reviewing Respondus Monitor flags
February  27, 2019 Quizzing: force submitting, overriding individual question scores and publishing after students have taken the quiz