Affordable Learning Georgia’s Textbook Transformation Grants support the replacement of expensive commercial textbooks with low-cost, no-cost, and open educational resources. The Round Six-Eight ALG Textbook Transformation Grants Request for Proposals (RFP) is now open. Round Six applications are open until July 31, 2016. Rounds Seven and Eight have later launch dates and deadlines as indicated in the Timeline section of the RFP. Don’t hesitate to contact Sharon ( in CETL for further discussion about submissions of grant proposals .

The Request for Proposals, including all details regarding the Textbook Transformation Grants application process, is located at this link:

Application Link
Round Six of Affordable Learning Georgia’s Textbook Transformation Grants is now open for applications in Georgia Tech’s InfoReady Review at this link:

Webinars for Review

There will be at least one webinar per round for RFP review and Q&A.

Round Six-Eight: Tuesday, July 5, 2016, 4:00pm-5:00pm
Meeting Link
Password: open

Round Six-Eight: Monday, July 11, 2016, 4:00pm-5:00pm
Meeting Link
Password: open