As the semester winds down, you may find yourself looking back at what you and your students achieved over the past few months.  If so, I hope a number of you out there are thinking, “Wow, my students have created some amazing digital scholarship.  I wish they could share it with the world and receive some much deserved recognition!”  We at the Center for Instructional Innovation agree that student excellence and ingenuity should be recognized by the university community…and the world.  That is why this semester the University Library and the Center for Instructional Innovation teamed up to launch a brand new student digital scholarship competition called (Re)present.  Here’s a brief description of the competition:

Modern information and communications technologies offer opportunities to not only consume information but also participate actively in global, evolving, and collective information ecosystems. To engage fruitfully in such spaces, participants must be able to express, challenge, and justify ideas through a variety of media. This competition challenges students to develop these skills by (re)presenting ideas developed at Georgia State University, translating what they know into engaging, powerful, border-crossing, and thought-provoking multimedia.

Student work that is accepted will be shared in the library ScholarWorks archive and on the (Re)present website.  Please encourage any students who generated impressive multimedia content to submit.  All submissions must be received by January 31, 2015.  We look forward to learning from and reviewing the digital creations of your students.

On another but related note, if you are interested in developing digital assessments in your course for the spring semester that require your students to generate digital scholarship, but you just aren’t sure where to start, we’d love to help you conceptualize your project and help make it a success.  Contact the CII at or 404-413-4700.