by hbeezley | Apr 18, 2014 | Cool Tools, The Exchange
This morning the Exchange presented a Cool Tools Poster Session at the Instructional Innovation Conference put on by the Center for Instructional Innovation and the Exchange. We had several requests to make our interactive poster available online, so here you...
by hbeezley | Apr 16, 2014 | Code Camp, The Exchange
This semester the Exchange experimented with a new format for learning technology called “Learn with the Exchange.” The idea for “Learn with the Exchange” is to choose a topic that we at the Exchange basically know nothing about but would like...
by Will | Apr 15, 2014 | The Exchange, Top News
In case you missed it, there is a major security vulnerability in the underlying structure of how the internet handles user account passwords. It may sound like gibberish if I start talking about SSL, so here’s a link to a cartoon that will give you a simplified...
by Will | Apr 7, 2014 | Cool Tools, The Exchange
Well, as the continuing build up of responsibility takes hold in the later part of the semester, our online Cool Tools classes have been, let’s just say, less highly attended. After wiping away our tears, we decided that this in no way should punish our faithful...
by hbeezley | Apr 1, 2014 | Code Camp, The Exchange
Hello, Code Campers. We haven’t blogged about what’s been going on at Code Camp for awhile because, let’s face it, we’ve mostly just been slogging through Code Academy. This week we tried something new. Each of us has our own reasons for...
by hbeezley | Mar 28, 2014 | Cool Tools, The Exchange
Have you ever wanted to create a sweet splainer video? (I swear ‘splainer’ is a real word. At least as long as appearing in urban dictionary counts.) Do you admire the animated videos you see on websites and wish that you could make one for your course...