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Exciting changes are coming to iCollege course access and enrollments starting Fall 2024. These updates aim to streamline student access and enhance course management for faculty, addressing common issues and aligning with FERPA standards. Key improvements include the removal of the “Is Active” checkbox and automated instructor unenrollments, ensuring a smoother start to the semester and better protection of student information. For more information, read below.

'Is Active' Checkbox Removal

  Upon review of student ticketing information at the start of the semester, CETLOE has identified a point of confusion for students related to course listings in iCollege. To ensure timely access to iCollege courses at the start of semester for every student, we will remove the “Is Active” checkbox from the iCollege Course Offering Information page.

Beginning Fall 2024, faculty wishing to set the date by which students may access their course may do so by adjusting “Start Date” from the Course Offering Information page in iCollege. Adding a Start Date will restrict student access to the course until that Start Date. This change allows students to see the course listed within iCollege which will reduce confusion, especially during the stressful start of semester. Detailed instructions on how to modify your course’s start date can be found in our Set a Course Start Date and End Date in iCollege knowledge base article.

Screenshot of the Course is active checkbox in your course's Course Offering Information page.

Automated Instructor Unenrollments

  Also beginning Fall 2024, faculty who are removed as a course instructor in Banner will be removed from the corresponding iCollege course. This change will help us better align with FERPA standards.

To mitigate the impact of this change, we recommend developing or backing up course content in a building section. By using a building section, faculty who lose access to a Banner-generated iCollege course will maintain access to a copy of their course content. A new Building Section can be requested using this form.

If you have any questions or need assistance with course start dates, please contact