In this workshop, participants learned the basics of using VoiceThread. They learned how to create VoiceThreads for mini-lectures, discussion board replacements, student presentations, and more. George also demonstrated how to use comment moderation, threaded comments, private replies and show how VoiceThread works in iCollege.
If you were not able to attend the workshop, you can watch it below.
VoiceThread has several additional resources that might be of interest:
- YouTube channel where you can see a variety of tutorials. If you subscribe to the channel, you’ll receive our latest content right away: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXggZ2yUPudu9EKx5ZtrdAw
- Free workshops page: https://voicethread.com/workshops Anyone is welcome to join our upcoming sessions or view the archives on the right side of the page.
- Blog: https://voicethread.com/blog If you are doing interesting things with VoiceThread, they would love to share their story on our blog.
If you want more information about VoiceThread and how to use it in your courses, contact the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning by cetl@gsu.edu or by phone: 404-413-4720.
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