3/30/23 Writing

  1. A political debate between presidential candidates
  1. Goods arguments with this example involve an initial claim for a good reason to elect them, a reason for why this would be a better choice, and supporting evidence to back that claim
  1. Appeals that make an good argument are logical,ethical, and emotional. 
  1. An author can organize this effectively by giving people an example of something in their life that can be improved, and logically stating a way that they can fix their problem.
  1. The argument for Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign was very effective.
  2. I wouldn’t change President Obama’s argument because he did a very great job of persuading.
  3. The rhetorical appeals that worked the most in his persuasion case is logos and ethos. Logos was used because his arguments were based off of reasoning and factual information. Ethos was used because of credibility and trust, which included personal branding and confident delivery.

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