Title : My Armor
This is my armor for my final assignment of the semester for 3d design. My armor protects against any all abuse, but more specifically against verbal, mental, and physical abuse. I love my armor because it is dedicated to someone very close to me who up until last year had been in a 7-year physically, verbally, and mentally abusive relationship and has finally been able to gain the courage to say enough and getaway. I am so proud of this person and decided to make armor that could protect against abuse. The metal looking wings protect are to either be able to fly away from abuse or shield from and attack. The keys are used to show an abuser their reflection and all the damage they cause while the key itself unlocks their soul and heart to be able and take all the bad away from them and make them good. The three bottles of the spine ” Love, Hope, Joy” are used to take all their bad energy and make it love, hope, and joy. The mask helps to unlock their minds and show them that violence is never the answer and to help them find purpose in life. Finally, the vest helps to shield the heart from being hurt and broken so that anyone wearing this armor can be strong.