The Embassy of Cambodia – Amanda

I noticed some of the characters in this story are in ways similar to those in Brick Lane. When Andrew was introduced, I remember thinking he was similar to Chanu. He’s interested in education, likes to explain things to Fatou, has a (probably smaller) belly that Fatou sees fold over on itself, and is characterized as a dreamer. Fatou also thinks he is a good man, even though he has flaws. Fatou’s relationship with his is different than Nazneen’s with Chanu because she chose to continue the relationship, however, Andrew is the person who initiated the relationship. Like Nazneen, Fatou has limited resources and opportunities in the new country she is in. Fatou is in some ways more more independent that Nazneen was initially because she worked and went out into the world, yet the circumstances she was living under really left her just as poorly off as Nazneed would have been. Nazneen had no way of supporting herself, and had no significant about of money to fall back on if the need arose, and Fatou didn’t really either, because even though she was working, she had no money, and probably would have had no references to get another job. I wonder how Fatou will get through after having been fired, and if she will end up marrying Andrew. If she does marry Andrew, I wonder how much of a factor necessity will be for her.

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