The Bloomsbury Tour & North and South

I really enjoyed today’s tour, mainly because the weather was better than the others! The main reason why I found it fascinating is the tour guide mixed the Bloomsbury writers with the other prominent people of that day so well. I enjoyed learning the dirty little secrets of all the writers and I couldn’t help but compare them to our society today. They are just like the free spirited writers we see in literature now days. And yet in a time when scandalous actions were frowned upon, the Bloomsbury writers could careless! Also the tour around this part of London was more uplifting than the Darkest Victorian tour.

As for the discussion this morning, I liked hearing more on how the role of women and men were so strict with the upper class. Margaret is one of those heroine characters I can’t help but compare to modern heroines. First to come to mind is Tris from the Divergent series. Both come from such fixed normed societies and they break these rules without much thought processing. Tris does this a lot faster, but the point is that the heroine takes action and never just allows society control her life.


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