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How did my experiences in London teach me more about writing by British women? Well, the class discussions definitely taught me more about the women writers we studied, but some of the walking tours gave more facts on the writer’s day to day life that really stuck in my head. The Bloomsbury walking tour was one of my favorites because The guide gave so much detail on how these writers lived and it still shocks me the way in which they lived. All the writers and artist living together like a neighborhood of swinger, but I guess inspiration has to come from somewhere. I enjoyed how the guide mixed in the Bloomsbury writers with prominent figures at the time. The crazy King who was poisoned by everyone close to him and the Queen who never knew what pug really meant. Also the Darkest Victorian tour and the Geffrye museum taught me the conditions in which the people of that time lived. From the poorest of poor to the middle class that appears to be better than ‘middle class’ today. Overall, each day I learned something new about the techniques these women were using to tell stories. The story drove awareness through a love romance to wake up the society like in North and South, or it shined light on a culture not fully understood like Brick Lane. My time in London was once in a life time. And I know that sounds cliché, but learning while experiencing a major city like London truly made me love British women writers more.

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