The Final Blog Post

Last post after an amazing and fun filled British week, so sad!

With that said, “The Embassy of Cambodia” was easily my favorite of the two short stories that we read this week. I really liked the characterization of Fatou and how she seemed to find happiness in what had not been a very happy life. She had her faith and she had swimming and even a possibility of a relationship with Andrew, and even in this weird postcolonial world where she was a worker for this awful family, she seemed at least content.

Going further off characterization, the entire family is hilarious and amazing in how God awful they are. I especially love how when Fatou literally saved Asma the family responded by just awkwardly thanking Fatou and then making fun of Asma for swollowing the marble in the first place before switching back on the tv like nothing had happened.

Overall, this was a wonderfully written story, but for me it was really the characters that stood out verses the overarching plot line.

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