The Blitz walking tour today was very interesting, and helped me to better picture the setting of “Mysterious Kôr” as well as the characters experiences. When I read the story the first time, I thought about how I’ve lost myself in fantasy worlds, just to escape every day life. I think I did this more when I still lived with my parents, which is in the middle of farmland where there are not many opportunities. The world in which I lived was very real to me, yet at times I felt like I was in a dream like state because I let myself get wrapped up in the worlds of the books I was reading or the movies I had watched. I think Bowen was able to represent that feeling really well with the characters. However, seeing some sites from wartime London, and especially seeing the photographs of the rubble, helped me to see the “real” experiences the characters felt also. Because Bowen’s readers at the time she published were already familiar with the real life of wartime London, they probably were able to see the harsh reality of the setting in a way that someone who has not eperienced it cannot. However, I do think many people can probably relate to the feelings the characters had, even if they have not had as much trauma in their lives. I think it would be interesting to read the rest of the stories from The Demon Lover now that we have discussed “Mysterious Kôr” and seen London.