Day 5 – Elizabeth Bowen’s Mysterious Kôr

The Blitz tour served as an appropriate backdrop for the short story Mysterious Kôr by Elizabeth Bowen that we discussed during our class session this morning.  Our tour guide brought us through the financial district of London, and showed us all the buildings surrounding St. Paul’s Cathedral that had been bombed during The Blitz.  Because of this tour, I have a deeper understanding of what the setting may have been like for the young characters Pepita, Arthur, and Callie, for this story is set during war time (WWII).  This short story was one of my favorite readings for our class, so I was intrigued by all the comments about the story itself and the information in the postscript shared by my classmates.  Excitingly, I found an old copy of one of Elizabeth Bowen’s books in a bookstore today in Bloomsbury!  Since I liked this short story so much, I will buy it tomorrow to continue reading her works.

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