Day Two

Today’s discussion helped me appreciate Gaskell’s craft so much more. She is truly a skilled writer. It takes a lot to really understand the message of her writing. I didn’t really understand why this book was chosen until today. I realize that it is not just another Victorian romance. Gaskell’s desire to raise awareness within her own community is so powerful.

My favorite part was the use of the words “hands” to describe the servants. It makes me appreciate being a hand or lending a hand even more. Why? Because I know that people depend on me. The hand is arguably the most important part. While the servants were the “hands,” Mr. Thornton served as the arm. He held the hands together because the hands would be useless without the arm of the business. To me, Margarett is the elbow joints. She has the power to move the arms  which will then determine the way the hands move. I love how she was able to tug at Mr. Thortons heart literally throughout the book. She helped Mr. Thorton to realize the significance of the hands, the arms, as well as the joints that all work together to create a powerful movement.

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