Although the material of North and South is not primarily set in London, but in the fictional town of Milton, these two towns hold many similarities. Our tour guide of the Darkest Victorian London Walking Tour led us to Southwark, one of the poorest areas of the Victorian and Edwardian periods. Even though these areas have slightly alterred physically over the past century, it is easy to imagine what the poor of London actually went through with the tour guide’s knowledge of what to look for. For example, the yellow Victorian brick seen all over Southwark; this brick was extremely cheap to use to build homes and other structures. What reminded me most of North and South were the homes built in order to house the brewery’s employees. Although the brewery supplied these convenient homes – they were right across the street – the employees were restricted in many ways. The brewery would send people to check to make sure the employees were in bed at a specific time in order to ensure that they would be punctual to work. Their managers would sometimes pay them, not in cash, but in vouchers to specific stores. Workers lost many freedoms during the industial period for they were seen as hands and not humans.