Seeing Culture In Action

So something I found really interesting today was obviously being able to see the setting of a British novel in person (something that as a writer in Atlanta, Georgia I had never been able to say before about British literature). More specially, I found being able to see/smell/taste the spices that Nanzeen mentions in Brick LaneĀ in person was really interesting. After the East end walking tour some of the group went to a curry house for dinner where we had a really interesting discussion about the different spices used in the dishes. I think it was interesting because as someone that has always lived in the South East of the United States I didn’t have much experience with spices like saffron outside of something like premade yellow rice. However, we read about all these amazing spices that take so much care to prepare for a meal that actually being able to see and eat and identify made me really appreciate and understand why one would go through all the trouble of preparing the different spices-because the dishes they turn into are amazing!

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