Hasina’s friend in the hospital says, “These secret things will kill us. Do you have any secret? You want to tell to me? I keep it safe for you!” (Ali 303). This quote is pivotal to the novel as a whole for many of the characters keep their inner emotions and thoughts private. Nasneen at this point in the novel is having an affair with Karim, wondering whether or not anyone – especially her husband – knows about her secret double-life with Karim. Chanu throughout throughout the novel wants to be seen as a strong, intellectual man that has made his wealth by moving to London. Amma, Nasneen and Hasina’s mother, is renowned as a saint in their village, yet she struggles with some unvoiced secret, which she silences by her death. Amma’s end highlights Hasina’s friend’s statement that death is the penalty for not sharing the inner self. I think Amma’s character is quite interesting, so if anyone has anything they would like to add or discuss, please do!