This Ted Talk was done by Clint Smith and he talks about what goes on behind the scenes when it comes to raising a black child. The things that he mentioned really made me think. I began to think about what it must be like for black parents to raise black children, especially in certain neighborhoods. I think about this because sometimes, I am afraid for my brother although he stays out of trouble. I am afraid for the future of young black children, particularly young boys. We all know that some neighborhoods are more dangerous than others and I bet that while a woman’s son may be out doing whatever, she is more than likely worried about his safety.
I can see how it could be nerve wrecking trying to raise a child in today’s world. If you ask me, today’s world isn’t much better than our past. Knowing this makes me slightly hesitant towards having children because many parts of the world just feel so unsafe. As Clint Smith mentions, black kids cannot be kids or play with toys or be curious because darker skin seems to make people less human.
The U.S. has made it seem as if our country is so great, and it is not. We are in many ways just like other countries, but the way we do things is either different, or kept secret. How do you raise minority children in our world? Do you raise them to be conscious and aware or do you raise them to live how they want to? Color should not be something that it taught to kids.
Living in fear is crappy. Although I know that I stay out of trouble, I still become weary around police officers, or any type of white person in authority. This bothers me because I KNOW that I should have no reason to be afraid. I feel threatened by police, rather than safe. I feel that this country is restraining, rather than liberating.