All posts by bthompson52

Annotated Bibliography 4

Torres, Kristina. “Georgia House Passes ‘campus Carry’ Bill Legalizing Guns At…” Georgia House Passes ‘campus Carry’ Bill Legalizing Guns At…Atlanta Journal Constitution, 22 Feb. 2016. Web. 22 Feb. 2016. Today, the state House legalized carrying concealed guns on college campuses in Georgia. The debate took about and hour and a half to come to an … Continue reading Annotated Bibliography 4

Making Bathrooms More “Accommodating”

Bazelon, Emily. “Making Bathrooms More ‘Accommodating’.” The New York Times. The New York Times, 21 Nov. 2015. Web. 15 Feb. 2016. In Emily’s Bazelon article, “Making Bathrooms More Accomodating, discusses the most sex-segregated area: bathrooms. Bathrooms are separated and identified by pictures. The men restroom has a man on the door and women has a … Continue reading Making Bathrooms More “Accommodating”

Built Environment Description: Holy Comforter Episcopal Church

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The first site that I visited while strolling through Ormewood Park was Holy Comforter Episcopal Church. It’s located between Woodland Ave and Ormewood Ave. The church was founded in 1893 in the heart of Atlanta. It’s a very diverse church! That’s one of the key components that they’re known for. DIVERSITY!  While taking pictures it was some sort of function going on and I saw many different ethnicities entering. Over half of the congregation suffers from mental illness therefore many different programs are held for them, numerous fellowships, and the church is also funded by Georgia Mental Health Consumers  Network.

Built Environment Description: Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School


I kept seeing this huge building while riding through the neighborhood. I figured it was just an old building, but I got curious and approached it. I found out it was a school! Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School (Middle Campus) officially opened in 2001. It currently has Kindergarten-8th grade. The school itself was actually two different charted schools merged. One was just named Neighborhood Charter school (Kindgerten-5th) and the other was named Atlanta Charted Middle School (6th-8th). It’s a tight knit community type school located in the neighborhood welcoming family, friends, and all diversity.

Built Environment Overall: Ormewood Park

Although this wasn’t my first time visiting Ormewood Park due to my job being right near it, but this was my first time actually seeing Ormewood Park as more than a neighborhood. The neighborhood was originally a settlement for the Creek Indians back in the 1820s. They were eventually kicked off and was later settled … Continue reading Built Environment Overall: Ormewood Park

Built Environment Description: Sounds

Based off my experience with visiting Ormewood Park it seems to be a very peaceful neighborhood. The audio clip above captured the typical sounds while exploring. I heard planes flying over my head and numerous of birds chirping. I didn’t hear any loud or disturbing noises. Oh, well, the exception of the crunching of leaves below my feet.

Built Environment Description: Chicken Coop


Before I actually approached Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School I saw this chicken coop. I tried to wait for the chickens to come back out, but they wouldn’t. The chicken coop is part of the outside activities for the students along with a basketball court, and playground area.  Not only is this school known for their academic ability and performing arts. They’re also pet lovers. I’ve never saw a chicken coop at a school, I HAD to take a picture of this. Where was this when I was in middle school?