All posts by bthompson52

Built Environment Description


Above is the most wonderful sound ever! I’m a huge fan of Coca Cola. So any picture, sound, motion, or anything related to Coke I’m going for it. I’m practically addicted to it which isn’t good. But anyways, it’s a sound of Coke being poured and the infamous “Ahhhhhh” after taking that first sip. Sounds great, right? 🙂

Built Environment Description


Above is a B intial keychain (which is for my name Brittany) and a bottle opener/keychain. I got it from the Coca Cola gift shop! After you leave Taste It (All the different flavors and kinds of coca cola room) it leads until the gift shop which leads out of World of Coca Cola. But the gift shop has soooo much to chose from it’s crazy the only bad this is it’s super high! But it’s worth it, right?

Better Online Living through Content Moderation

King, Melissa. “Better Online Living through Content Moderation.” Model                                    View Culture. Feminist Technology Collective, 14 Oct. 2015. Web. 23 Mar. 2016. In “Better Online Living through Content Moderation” by Melissa King content control features has its pros and … Continue reading Better Online Living through Content Moderation