Global Public Health Seminar in Salvador, Brazil will take place during the Maymester 2015. The program provide an educational and cultural opportunity for 15 graduate students interested in public health research and practice as conducted in Salvador, Brazil.
The aim is to prepare our students to be informed and exposed to public health issues from a global perspective. Through mentoring, a challenging overseas study abroad program and hands on experiential activities our students will gain invaluable knowledge and skills that will augment their academic preparation here at Georgia State University.
The three week experience will include field work in Salvador where the students will participate in cross cultural lectures, field study, data analysis, and an applied research project as well as language instruction and homestays.
Instruction will be provided by professors at Georgia State and the Institute of Collective Health at the Federal University of Bahia (ISC) as well as through the Associaçao Cultural Brasil Estados Unidos (ACBEU).
I’m so excited (and jealous) about your time in Salvador, especially for those of you who are able to stay in the homes of real Salvadorans! I had the great pleasure to visit Salvador a few years ago, and I fell in love with the culture, music, dance, food and people. I look forward to returning at a future date, so collect recommendations on where to go and what to do.
Your Dean Eriksen