Today my mom made me a delicious breakfast. It was so good and I really enjoyed the mango and kiwi. She put on the radio and American music started playing. I thought that was funny because I rarely hear American music since I’ve been here. I’ve gotten used to hearing Brazilian music. She wrote me a cute note saying we were going to this restaurant with her son Andre. She told me her son lives close to her and he’s married and has a son.

Later on in the day we left the apartment and met up with him and drove to this nice place called Restaurante Perini Graça. It was decorated so nicely for Mother’s Day. I saw all the families eating and just enjoying this day with their loved ones. There was music playing which I liked. The guy who was singing would go around and stand near a table and give them the microphone so they can sing too. It was so cool seeing that and as he was going around I kept thinking I hope he does not come over here.

My Portuguese is limited to very few words, but if he had I would’ve made an effort. When we entered the restaurant the receptionist took down the number of people and we got to sit wherever there were empty seats. After we sat down, my host mom and I went first to get some food. There was so much food I couldn’t believe it. It all looked so good. They had so many different kinds of desserts and a lot of different pastas and rice. They also had so many fish and chicken and all kinds of fruit. It was so amazing seeing that much food I had to tell myself to calm down.
After we grabbed some food we went to go sit down and her husband and son went to go get some food. The salmon barbecue was so good I kept going to get it again. Once we all ate lunch my host mom and I went to go get dessert. I got a few desserts and so did my host mom then we sat down and ate our desserts. All of the desserts I got were so good I was full after that. We took a lot of pictures at the restaurant and it was nice.

After dessert I gave her my gift and she loved it. I took some pictures of her with the gift. She really appreciated me getting her a gift. We soon left the restaurant and went home. After we got home she gave me some chocolate. It was so sweet of her to give me that. Later on I got to meet her son’s wife Aoba and their son Pedro. Her son’s wife was really nice and friendly. Mother’s Day is nice here and mothers are so important to us that we’d be lost without them. It’s always nice to take the time out to appreciate the ones who always are there for you and take care of you.

-Hoodo Nur
Wow, what a beautiful sharing of love and caring. The host moms, really do love the students who live with them. While perhaps you and other students missed spending Mother’s Day with your moms and for sure Dr Stauber missed spending the day with her daughter, this trip and opportunity should provide for you knew knowledge, experiences and perspectives that you can share with loved ones when you return back to the US. Enjoy your stay Ate logo