Chapter 1 of HTML and CSS by Jon Duckett

Chapter 1 exercise: My first webpage


This is a screenshot of a very basic webpage that I made using Notepad to write the html. It is the first exercise in Chapter 1. I was excited to get a taste of coding and I think this was a really cool first project.

Chapter 1 key terms: 

browsers= aka web browsers, what people use to access websites. For example, Chrome and Internet Explorer.

web servers= computers always connected to the internet whose purpose is to send webpages to people who request them.

web hosting= companies that you pay to use their web servers.

Domain Name System (DNS) server= like phone books, they send a computer the IP address of the webpage it requested.

structure= how a webpage is organized, html is used to structure a webpage.

html elements= tell the browser about the information between the closing and opening tag.

html tags=containers of information.

attributes= give extra info about what is in between tags.

attribute name= says what kind of info you are giving.

attribute value= the setting for the attribute.

CTRL+U= press these keys to view the source code of a webpage.