Here are the notes from the conference that I felt were very useful to me when working on the service learning project:
-Reminder: My project is to turn a Vision 53 (a report) into a power point-
Concerning Intro slides:
-Make sure to give an overview of the power point towards the beginning so people know how long to expect the presentation to be.
Concerning design colors:
-Keep the headings for each slide the same color for consistency’s sake (for this project all of the headings will be red)
Concerning representing information on the slides:
-the projects could be represented by images rather than textual descriptions. (I really liked this idea and have used images to show the projects for most of the slides)
-Cut off the text for the Impacts sections for each slide, have them represented by their icon (I did this but I also gave a very short sentence description of how each one is different.)
-Maybe put the Impact icons on one half of a slide and the project pictures on the other (This was a great idea and I think my slides came out very concise looking visually and information-wise because of it)
-Think about clustering your information, like info goes with like info and so on.
-Maybe put the map section after the Goal section or put a map in each goal section (I plan on doing a version of the power point both ways to see what way the client would prefer.)