Design Tips

When you click on something, and you can’t tell that you are on that tab or link after clicking the button, that means that “there are no edges.” Edges refers to being able to distinguish between a button or link clicked and not clicked compared to others around it on the page.

Don’t over-crowd the page with too much wording. It takes away the interest of the audience and makes finding information harder. In addition, adding graphics and videos to a page may result in taking longer for the page to load.

“Breadcrumb trail” is at the top of the page under the navigation bar. It shows and links to the pages you previously were on within that website. Say you start from at the home page, click the second tab on the navigation bar, and that button had a subsection, the breadcrumb trail will show each link you clicked, one after the other.

3 Useful Tips

1. From the ted talk: 10 tips for better slide decks, I learned that you should recreate simple graphs or charts before putting them on your slides. This allows for you to have more control of the graph/chart, the colors, typography and more.

2. Garr Reynolds taught be how to and when to properly use pie charts in power points. I learned that to limit the slice to 4-6, as well as showing the most important percentages in the chart I should enlarge that slide of change the color so something noticeable and attention grabbing.

3. Garr Reynolds also taught me to the “B” key will make the slide on a powerpoint presentation go blank. This allows for the audience’s attention to be placed on you, and then when you want to audience to see the slide again, you just press the “B” key again.

Most Helpful Resource

44 Resume Writing Tips

44 Resume Writing Tips

Last summer I began to create my resume, I sent it to multiple people to gather feedback on it before I sent it out to employers. I received the same comments back that there were many irrelevant information, it was too wordy, and it I needed to change the wording/format. If I had this article handy, 44 Resume Writing Tips, it would have made creating my resume easier. I would have known exactly what to write and how to write it. The tips that were most relevant and helpful to me were, “know the purpose of your resume,” “avoid negativity,” “use action words,” and to ” get someone else to review your resume.” This article really helps to set up a resume, it answers all the basic questions one has when starting to create their own.

Academic Citations

I always knew that there was APA, MLA, and AMA formatting,  but I never hear of Chicago and Turabian formatting. I learned that Chicago style citation is used for “books, magazines, newspapers, etc. in the corporate world.” In addition, Turabian style citation is used for “general-subject citations.”

The second thing I learned about academic citation is that there is a software besides EndNote and Microsoft Word to help with creating a bibliography. Zotero just like EndNote can “collect, manage, and cite” sources that you find online. It automatically updates itself so keep track of your sources.

Most of my teachers taught me that if you aren’t sure if you’re plagiarizing or not, just cite it anyways to be safe. With the GSU tutorials, i’ve learned that if it is common knowledge, that not only you would know but other would too, such as Obama is the current president, you don’t have to cite it.

Acadia University Tutorial

Teachers have religiously taught students how not to plagiarize since the first time we first began writing papers. I’ve learned the does and don’ts of writing a paper, how to cite a paper and making sure that there is always a reference or works cited page at the end. The biggest lesson I was taught was that when in doubt, put it in quotes and cite it. Acadia University interactive tutorial was more of a review of what i’ve learned in the past years, especially in English 1101 and 1102. This is definitely a good tool, but GSU’s English 1102 curriculum and textbook really helped me more than this interactive tutorial did.