Useful Mobile Apps for College Students

App 1: Course off

Courseoff connects to your school’s class scheduling system, so you can choose what class, teacher and lecture time you are registered for. The app links up your class schedule with your calendar app on Apple phones, which allows you to have your schedule easily accessible without having to manually look up your schedule every time, don’t have to write down your schedule, and if you forget what time your class is, you can just drag down your top bar on your phone or just open the app. It is also color coded, making it easier to understand and follow when reading it on your calendar. The app is also available online, so if you want to quickly see your schedule or find it easier to add or fix it, you can do it online and it will sync to your phone.

App 2: Venmo

As a college student myself, I find myself using venmo a lot. Whether it is to pay back my friends for dinner, going out, or even my family member buying me something and we split the cost. Venmo connects your credit and debit cards to the app and extract the money from your account when you request to send money to a friend for something. It’s quick and takes two seconds to send money, as well as cashing out money people send you. There is no hassle and the money is directly deposited into your account once you cash out. In addition, there is a time line on your page on the app that allows you to easily remember and track your spending. If you forget if you paid your friend or not, you can easily check your app to see.

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