BLOG POST 2: Fake News and Information Literacy

There is too much of the information provided in today’s generation due to internet access, especially when using google. The problem is that not all the information given to us by the internet is reliable or credible. Much information on the internet is false, rumors, and not adequately presented. Most students tend to rely on the first few options google offer. These students do not look for credibility. This is a big issue, not only because there is false information out there, but also because it may involve copyright. Therefore, Google, social media, and news channel sometimes present fake news. Fake news is an even more significant issue right now due to the speed news spread. Misleading and false information can sound like the truth. Fake news often disguises as the right information. Students can also beware of fake news of incorrect information when using google.
Usually, websites that end in .edu or .org are reliable and credible. Although not all of them are reliable and credible, some sites that end in .com spread false information, because anyone can go there and edit them, such as Wikipedia. It is challenging to find the right information with so many options and information, although there is a way to prevent these fake news. In a world where it isn’t effortless to find out information in a practical way, information literacy plays an important role. Information literacy includes the ability to identify, find, evaluate, and use information effectively. There are many ways to inform others about these fake news. One of them is by not promoting news that one is not entirely sure that it is not false information. This can be done by using information literacy. Another way of preventing fake news is by warning and telling others to be aware of fake news. Using any of these methods can help the world become a better place.

BLOG POST 1: A Better Way to Study

          There are many ways to study effectively, and different strategies work for different people. Studying effectively allows college students to gain new knowledge efficiently. This process is called neuroplasticity. According to the Neuroplasticity video, neuroplasticity is rewiring. The brain can and does change throughout our lives. Growing your mind video explains how the brain is like plastic, and it is adaptable. When humans choose a new task, the brain forms new connections and weakens the old pathway. Knowledge can be developed through exercise, just like muscle, although the development is constructed when a human goes through struggles and challenges. The influence of environments over the brain plays an essential role in how the brain develops. The differences between the mind of the animal in a bear cage versus the brain of an animal that is continuously challenged clearly demonstrate a significant difference. The best way to study is by challenges, struggles, and attempts to improve studying habits.

          The three studying techniques that have worked for me as a high school and college student are by creating a quizlet, reviewing the study guide, and planning ahead. Creating a quizlet, or just writing down questions and answers on a note-card will help students’ studying skills. This technique allows students to test themselves. The constant practice trains the students and their brains to gain knowledge. In most classes, the professor or the instructor will provide study guides for the students. These study guides are one of the essential tools for any students to use when it comes to studying. The instructor makes these study guides are helpful because the questions they provide are usually the ones to prepare students for the exams. This can be done by studying alone, with a partner, or groups can all be helpful. Different studying techniques work for different people. Lastly, I have always struggled with planning ahead, and I always end up procrastinating. I crumble up, and this causes me to forget what I learn quickly. Although I have resolved this problem by keeping a planner, keeping a planner will remind students of the due dates.