Brittany J's Blog

Just another Georgia State University site

Personal Truisms


Jenny Holzer was initially an abstract painter, but she struggled to communicate what she wanted to within abstract works.  She then created “Truisms” which are short sayings that quickly convey a belief.  The sayings are only a few words long, but they express significantly more than that.  In order to present these, Holzer created an electronic display that would scroll through these “Truisms” using different colors and techniques moving from one saying to another.  These displays were hung at eye level.  Some viewers simply read the “Truism” that was presented as they continued on their path, while others would stand and read one after another.  This was an effective way to touch more than simply the art goer.

artMy personal “Truism” is a saying that originated with my husband’s great grandmother.  When he was a child his great-grandmother would tell him that she loved him.  He would reply with “I love you more.”  Her response was always “You can’t measure love.”  This is now a saying in my house.  My younger children don’t quite understand why love can’t be measured, but they will.  I want my them to know that love is infinite.  There is no end when love is involved.  Whether it is in relationships or any other aspect of life.



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2 Comments to

“Personal Truisms”

  1. November 14th, 2016 at 7:29 pm      Reply mkay3 Says:

    My best friend and I always get in those arguments where we’re like “I love you more” “I love you most” “I love you even more then that” so I think I might use your truism next time we start with that.

  2. November 26th, 2016 at 9:17 pm      Reply M. Levacy Says:

    What a lovely tradition and sentiment to pass down! My husband and I say “I love you zero” because of an inside joke and that evolved from his attempt to mathematically express endless love (he’s an engineer and thinks things like this are fun). It’s the same idea though – that it’s impossible to measure something like love by any traditional sense of the word. 🙂

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