Brittany J's Blog

Just another Georgia State University site

Archive for November, 2016

Personal Cultural Heritage


  A large part of my cultural heritage includes the love and respect for the United States.  While we are not a military family, we admire our country.  We are all proud to be part of such a diverse nation.  Our freedom to believe what we want and say what we feel is essential to […]



The question of whether or not Memes represent art is a tricky one.  They are simply made with a photo along with some type of quote in a text box.  It’s difficult to classify that as art in comparison to some of the great art works like Michelangelo’s paintings in the Sistine Chapel.  However it […]

Personal Truisms


Jenny Holzer was initially an abstract painter, but she struggled to communicate what she wanted to within abstract works.  She then created “Truisms” which are short sayings that quickly convey a belief.  The sayings are only a few words long, but they express significantly more than that.  In order to present these, Holzer created an […]

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