The Hue Are You project was one I did in my Painting I class. Before this class, I had not truly worked with much paint because my strong suit was always drawing. This was one of our first projects for the class. The whole idea of this project was to better get us familiar with different hues and a few methods of painting.
The first thing we had to do was pick three objects we wanted to draw repeatedly which was not so bad. I chose these objects: pear, leaves, and cherries because they all represented something I love. From here we began to paint the six nine by twelve portraits of the objects we chose. The different hues stemmed from monochromatic, where we had to choose if we wanted to use burnt sienna or burnt umber with the ultramarine blue, to painting the complementary colors of the objects. In addition, in the midst of this project, I began to explore different ways of painting, such as using the palette knife and flat brushes. Overall this project proved to be very challenging when it came to adding value but it taught me to push through and keep trying. In the end, I was able to learn so many things about methods of painting that I had not been aware of until taking this class.