The objective for the additive drawing is to use a charcoal pencil to add tone and value with erasing. Draw your quiet piece with no to a very faint line of erasers.
The material used for this project were 18×24-i.nch drawing paper, charcoal, and an eraser
The process of drawing this piece was simple and time-inducing. This is because I wanted to draw many things as my quiet piece; in the end, I opted for a mug, a cute neutral round ceramic mug with tea that got cold in the process. I did have another mug of tea while drawing the still-life tea. I thought that since it’s an additive drawing, it would be easier since adding value would be more straightforward than a reductive drawing, which takes away the tone and value. It was hard to draw this piece since the value of the mug was all very similar, and it was hard to make a distinctive value that looked like the mug. I also added a very light-colored small fish ceramic item which didn’t help with having distinct value. The background I chose was to put a blank white piece of 18×24-inch drawing paper; this wasn’t probably the best choice, thinking it would make the value pop more, but it absorbed them and made them even flatter. I started the drawing with a lighter charcoal pencil and moved on to the darker one at the end of the drawing; I did erase a lot even though I didn’t want to, but I enjoyed the drawing portion.
The feedback from what i can remember were very warm and encouraging; the conversation in the room was just very warm. what I got was that I do need more practice but the drawing is balanced. Adding a different textural or color background would be helpful too.