- What is this business about?
- I’m using something political
- Who is it for?
- Anybody interested in political games
- Who is it not for?
- Not for someone who doesn’t enjoy political.
- What are you drawn to?
- The colors
- What are you unsure about?
- What the app is about
- What could make it better?
- Can’t think of anything
- What is this business about?
- This business is about politics
- Who is it for?
- Everyone
- Who is it not for?
- I think everybody can use it
- What are you drawn to?
- The fact that it’s an app, and seems easily accessible
- What are you unsure about?
- What the app is?
- What could make it better?
- Tag line/ Catch Phrase
- What is this business about?
- Politics
- Who is it for?
- Americans
- Who is it not for?
- Foreigners / Non- Americans
- What are you drawn to?
- The stars and animals
- What are you unsure about?
- What Gab means
- What could make it better?
- Defining the name
- What is this business about?
- Politics
- Who is it for?
- People who are interested in politics & want to know more about politic landscape
- Who is it not for?
- People who are not interested in politics
- What are you drawn to?
- The idea that you can have meaningful political discussions
- What are you unsure about?
- If this is neutral environment or something promoted by one particular party
- What could make it better?
- Maybe a tag line
- What is this business about?
- Obviously something political, I think like a political argument
- Who is it for?
- Definitely not for me, for people who are into politics
- Who is it not for?
- People like me. People who don’t know what that means
- What are you drawn to?
- The title, I want to google it
- What are you unsure about?
- What the words, I wanna know what it means
- What could make it better?
- I’m not sure because I don’t think this is necessary bad. I don’t know how to measure if its good or bad if