BGSA participates and hosts events throughout the semester. Check the home page or the News bar to the right for upcoming events.
Events include but are not limited to:
Student-Led Seminar Series
The Student-led seminar series is an opportunity for students to learn from one another in a casual environment of your peers. Graduate (PhD or Master’s) students volunteer to present either a “techniques talk” or a brief (15 min) presentation of their research, after which attendees are welcome to ask questions. This monthly event is designed to be a learning experience for all involved.
Happy Hour Social
We regularly host happy hour socials at various restaurants around Atlanta. Come out to meet your BGSA representatives and other fellow graduate students. Appetizers are usually provided and raffles or giveaways are common.
New Graduate Student Orientation
This event will not only introduce you to the Biology Graduate Student Association (BGSA), but also it will help your transition to Georgia State University. You’ll hear from the Biology Department Chair, Graduate Coordinator, as well as many current PhD and Master’s students who can answer many questions you may have.