
Brandon Fini

Brandon Fini

Hey, my name is Brandon Fini. I am a Computer Science major set to graduate this year. I am likely going to graduate in the Fall, but am heavily considered overloading my classes in the Summer to graduate earlier. I’m Looking to Network; add me on LinkedIn! I am also looking for a Summer Internship, so if you know a guy that knows a guy; I would appreciate the oppurtunity. 


I have always been interested in UI, UX, design so I am excited to learn that. Learning how to properly prototype is also something I am excited to learn. I will apply the knowledge learned from this class to better my Web and App Developing skills


I am proficient in Java, Javascript, and HTML/CSS/JavaScript, and have limited knowledge in other languages/frameworks. I am hardworking, responsible, good at problem solving, easy to work with. I enjoy working in groups and putting ideas together to make something bigger. These are the fields that I am most interested:

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Cyber Security
  • Game Development
  • Software Development 
  • App Development


While I enjoy learning new technologies, I have many other hobbies outside of the field. I enjoy:

  • Sports (Atlanta Teams’ Fan)
  • Playing Guitar 
  • Working out
  • YouTube
  • New Experiences
  • Having Fun