Food- week 6

This week’s topic on food gave me more insight on what the American diet is. Nutrition seems to be fundamental to the average american diet, but this week’s material enlightened me that nutrition has become more complex through the years. I also noticed that what we put in our bodies is getting more complicated and risky. This being that the said nutrients we need for our bodies to function properly are not what they used to be and can be damaging. 

Reading “Unhappy meals” not only did it help me to understand the evolution of food to nutrients but how the presence of the food has evolved also. Growing up you hear your parents tell you eat your vegetables and you never have a meal without a vegetable. I always liked vegetables, and knew they were good for me because that is all you hear growing up. However as I am growing i am noticing how fundamental they need to be in our diets. As a growing person your diet and what you put in your body is very important as it is what keeps your body functioning. 

Food definitely can be essential to our self- identity, especially culturally. Having immigrant parents and adapting to the American diet is an experience. I’ve realized the difference in our “diets” or just the way our food is made living through both. I’ve noticed how easy it can be to become obese in America because fast food chains are EVERYWHERE and can become addicting. I’ve also noticed foods from other countries are made organically with fresh vegetables because it aids in their daily lives. Those nutrients they’re putting in their body are helping in how they function throughout the day. At this time i think gardening and planting your food is essential because I personally think the American diet is too complex, the ingredients, eating habits, and cost.


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