Bad Ideas About Writing: Creative Writing is a Unique Category

Many people can picture themselves writing as a child their favorite memory in class, or writing about slaying a dragon over the winter.  That’s what a lot of people imagine when they picture creative writing. However, some see creative writing as writing, while other forms are just put aside. In the book “Bad Ideas About Writing,” Cydney Alexis explains that “People who write everything except poetry and fiction—that is, people who contribute the vast majority of writing to the world in the form of lists, essays, emails, blog posts, texts, instruction manuals, and so on—see their work as less creative and less important.” (Alexis 188) This a really bad idea, as it sidelines other forms of writing and uncreative and unimportant. Creative writing is not just a unique category, but one where all spectrums of writing can be seen under one category. Creative writing should be taught as an equal with all writing styles.  

Cydney Alexis states that creative writing has a common misconception to being labeled as ONLY just poetry or fiction. But where does this thought come from? This dates back in the 1800s by D. G. Myers book “The Elephants Teach: Creative Writing since 1880,” where most see creative writing as a “dissent from professionalism” (Myers 7) however, these weren’t really taken seriously by others and disregarded. These thoughts changed, however, when creative writing gave people “a quiet life and an agreeable way to make a dollar” (Myers 8). That’s the stigma we are in today. When we think of “writers” we think of Rick Riordan of The Percy Jackson series or J. K. Rowling writing Harry Potter. However, Myers believes that creative writing doesn’t end on just poems and stories, and is a “craft that can be taught.” (Myers 75) Alexis supports this claim by saying the famous joke of “Those who can’t do, teach” (Alexis 189) which tells us to harvest those creative thoughts, and to continue creating and eliminate negative stereotypes on creative writing.

The Ultimate Harry Potter Book List

“Ultimate Harry Potter Book List”-Scholastic

The Identity of a “writer” is seen as “private, secret, and solitary” (Alexis 189) We know those harm what a writer really is, and even harms improving others of being better writers. Creative Writing was initially supposed to ease the schism on writing. Creative writing was supposed to “integrate literary knowledge with literary practice” (Alexis 191) and improve overall skill. Alexis and other teachers are using creative writing in this way Alexis cites Daniel Miller and his chapter on housewives’ shopping lists, that the writers were not using random order for the items, but “listing items to reflect food categories and writing them to reflect their planned future movement through those stores.” (Alexis 191) This reflects creative writing in not poems or stories, but in listing and shop layout. Creative writing is even being used in workshops, where in Grame Harper’s creative workshop, she uses creative writing as a way to build critical thinking. ““[My students] are required to write both creatively and critically.” When the critical is opposed to the creative, it’s easy to understand why public and academic attitudes so pervasively represent persuasive writing as uncreative, particularly when pitted against those in the so-called creative arts.” (Alexis 191) All sights read to creative writing improving not just writing but all-around experiences and lifestyles. Creative Writing | Ventura College

The Solution for this is simple: Take away the term “creative writing” all forms of writing can use creative writing and can demonstrate creativity without needed a story or poetry. Alexis states that when “they began thinking of themselves as writers, their positive feelings about writing intensified” (Alexis 192) Writers began to enjoy writing when they take away the negative connotation that stems from creative writing, and instead “bring us all together under the banner of writing studies, writing, or writing arts” (Alexis 192) Down with creative writing! 

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Myers, D. G. “The Elephants Teach: Creative Writing Since 1880”

Alexis Cydney. “Creative Writing is a Unique Category.” Bad Ideas About Writing (187-193) 

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