Over the past year, I learned to live with the situation, I learned to live with wearing a mask everywhere I go, I learned to social distance from people outside of my house. But by the end of 2020, when I thought the situation was getting better, I and my family got covid. It was an awful experience. We were worried, especially about my nephews and nieces, they also got it. Thankfully, we recovered, we did not have to go to the hospital. We cured. Of course, everything has changed, nothing is the same anymore. We went virtual and going virtual was good for me because I am an introvert and staying inside is something I like. I learned so many tips on the computer I did not know before. Many good things have come like new skills. I learn how to bake, braid my hair, and drive. Also, at that moment I started taking more pictures and videos. I realized that’s something I enjoy.
This time period taught me a lot about spending time with people closer to me. Many people lost their loved ones during that period and if they could have only one chance to spend time with them, they would. So now, I enjoy spending time with my family. Even with people (love one) far from me. It also taught me how to manage my time well. How to be more responsible. Something different that I might do is wear a mask wherever I go, social distance from people, be mindful of other people.