Response 3: Public Event and Location

GSU: ENGL 4320

February 21, 2015

For my busy schedule I don’t get to go to many events. So, for my event I decided to go out with my mom for dinner at Maguire’s Pub down the street from my house, because they normally have live music. This is a usual meeting place for everyone in town for this reason. Also, I believe at any point when you can get a free meal that’s an event.

Maguire’s Pub has larger than what most people would expect as they descend down the new, but rustic stairway. There is a heavy, mahogany door with iron work handles that belongs more on a large house than it does as a restaurant opening. Through the door there is a counter on the left side where a teen-aged waiter will show your group to a table. The area has dim, orange lighting that makes the atmosphere inviting to sit down and talk over pretzel sticks and mustard sauce.

The sounds I heard from our table were mainly background noises, and at the time nothing really stood out to me aside from the high-pitch reverberation from the speakers being setup. That came up a little at the beginning and ending of my recording so TURN THE VOLUME DOWN. You have been warned. The reverb wasn’t as loud in the restaurant, but it was very loud in the recording.

Within my recording the sound is a lot more claustrophobic than my real experience. It was a very peaceful dinner with several people having chats between one another. There was one man on the recording that was louder than the children who were playing at the far end of the pub. Yes, this is a “family friendly” pub. Who says you can’t have a beer or wine with dinner when your kids are around?

The sound of all of the talking, the kids playing, the waitress asking if everything was okay, and, yes, even the reverberation every now and then I found very relaxing. It became a steady hum in the background. I really enjoy going to this pub with friends and family when we just want a place to sit and have drink over dinner. It reminds me of group events I would go on with friends and family. There would be food and a slight hustle and bustle.

It’s odd, because when I was younger, well before my time at college, I wouldn’t be comfortable in situations like this: too many people, doing to many things, and not being able to hear what was being asked of me because of all of the background noise. These things would make me feel too smothered and would send my senses into overdrive.

Now it reminds me of dinner my first year of college. Everyone on campus would come together and get food. There would be talking over the table, and across the room. There would be people going to and from different areas of the dinning hall as music would be pumped in through the speakers. Maybe that is why I really enjoy Maguire’s Pub. It has become a meeting place of the town to hear and talk between people.

Critical Response Essay: My Senior Wrap-up

While compiling this exit portfolio I have learned a lot about myself as a writer and a student. Since I am a transfer student I have a couple of writing samples from different disciplines, and the different types of assignments has allowed me to find my strengths and weaknesses. I have mainly found my niche as a rhetorical writer through my experiences at Georgia State University. For my seven works I will order them in chronological order from my time at Young Harris College to Georgia State University to show how I have changed as a writer.

My first work, and my oldest artifact, is Expressions of American Modernists. I wrote this essay while at Young Harris in the spring of 2010 in my American Literature class when I was an English major. In being my first work it is clearly my worst and through my rereading I have found so many things that should be changed. For one thing it doesn’t have a thesis. It does have an interesting theme, but there can’t be an argument or any sense within the essay without a thesis. After the first sentence the audience, who at the time were my classmates and professor, would be left confused as to my meaning behind the work. The assignment was to show my understanding of American poetry of the Modernist Movement; a section of the course that we were reviewing at the time. From this assignment I did learn about the techniques employed by the authors to show the modernist aesthetic. From rereading this work I have learned that I should not try to pack too many ideas into a small paper, for each of these ideas haven’t had enough explanation to be fully flushed out.

My next artifact that I have named How Much Is Too Much, was written while I was studying Communication at Kennesaw State University in the spring of 2012. This work is very different from my other works because this was a journalism assignment where I was to obverse my subject and portray them through the writing. It was meant to help me understand that the people within journalist stories were as much a characters as those within fiction, and I must pay attention to the details of what is fully happening in order write a good story for readers. From this exercise I gained the knowledge that the story is within the details. My audience was the students of KSU campus, because I was aiming to shed light onto the topic of depression on the campus. One thing I would change is the transition from storytelling to being informative within this work. It sounds like a transition used on Dateline between the story and a commercial.

From shedding-light-on-to, and the fact that this is chronological, leads me to my next artifact called, Between Us and the Night Sky. This paper was a compilation of research on the topic of light pollution for my spring 2012 environmental writing class. This was a really fun paper because I was able to compile my own research and interview both professors and leaders within the field itself; finally a step away from my journalistic writings and more active research. I wrote this essay for the general audience because my aim was to make this information, that isn’t really thought about, better understood. Granted now I understand that aiming for a wider audience would result in changing how I wrote this information. I would rewrite this for a blog or a forum on a public website in shorter, scan-able ways, and not as a research paper. This compilation of information could be used for a presentation on the topic to create change because it has additional information about exchanges in behaviors that can be easily accomplished. However, this paper would never reach its intended audience in this state.

After taking a year off from my education I transferred to Georgia State University in the spring (note my running theme of spring time) of 2014 where I took a Medieval Literature class and my final paper was, Evolution of the Folk-tale Plot: Analysis of Beowulf and Piers Plowman. This essay was another research paper that I felt was written in a much better format than my previous research paper. There are a few changes I would make within the word choices I made which is namely this statement, “The name “folk-tale” when broken down really [literally] mean[s] a tale for the folk.” Even in the most basic of sentences I have to pay attention to the structure of the sentence in order to convey my meaning without confusing the readers. One critic that I most likely will receive from this paper this the breaking up of the comparisons between these two folk-tales, but I much rather the format I used stylistically because it makes the paper easier to read in an eight and a half by eleven format.

My most favorite paper to write was, “Bass” to “Buns”: How Music Videos Affect the Feminist Movement which I wrote when I was in Intro to Rhetoric and Advanced Composition in spring 2014. I believe that I took to this paper more because of the subject matter of feminism and pop culture. I took ahold of this topic and expanded upon the assignment requirements so that I could also use this paper as my writing sample for graduate applications. Since I have been working so hard on this topic personally I plan to make revisions. I plan on the audience to be other researchers of this topic and hope to have it published in a pop culture journal after it has had a lot of polishing. One thing I would like to reevaluate is the terminology used by Trainor within the context of the “Skinny Bitch” and compare it to Minaj’s use of the same term. Then I want to reestablish the connection between the false feminine body empowerment as a passing fad to the demeaning of women as shown in the “Literally I Can’t” video.

Next up, I have my Soundscape Response from my Senior Seminar from which I have been learning how to perform rhetorical responses through the use of soundscapes. This writing is, again, from a spring semester 2015. This has been a great recurring instruction of paying attention to more than what is going on in front of you. From this assignment I was able to realize that something as simple as sounds can create both a story and responses within the listeners. It also reminded me that my reaction isn’t the reaction of those around me when they are hearing the same soundscape. This assignment gave me a healthy dose of the differences between people and the importance of the audience within the writing process.

My most recent work is my final artifact named: A Letter through Poetry: A Close Reading of “To Wordsworth.This was also written in the spring semester and it was written for a literary audience. Though it was a literary class and audience, I feel that the use of language is still within the context of rhetorical understanding of the work. I am still waiting on getting this paper back from the professor to tell me if there are any contextual problems within my work.  I really do rely on professors to be critical of my writing in order for me to produce better work. I really appreciate that GSU professors are so critical in reviewing their student’s work because it offers me an opportunity to improve my work currently and to have something to pay attention to later on.

My writing has changed over the years to take more information into account than just writing down what I expect the teacher wants to hear. Over the years, I have come to understand that I must write for my peers for it is us who are going to make the changes if there is one to be made. For this reason I have to also take into account how to write for these audiences and how to best reach them on both an accessible and a personal level. My ideas on what constitutes “good writing” has also changed because I have been made aware through my rhetorical classes that everyone is trying to use rhetoric in some shape or form. From this I have learned to be more critical observer of what is being communicated to me and for what purpose.

Overall what I have learned as a writer and researcher is to take my time and to allow the message I want to convey to create the framework to work off. To structure my arguments per the evidence if you will. By determining my audience I will better be able to focus my work in order to establish a thesis and argument. Through my work within Practical Grammar I have also learned, most importantly, to take my time with my words and understand how they are used in order to convey my meaning. Rhetoric can be twisted with the simple change of a letter within the English language and words themselves should be regarded with respect before typing them onto a page.


Response 2: Soundscape

GSU: ENGL 4320

February 15, 2015

The soundscape I responded best to was the sounds that surround me every day. I ever realized that I am surrounded by so many sounds especially at different times of the day. During this morning and early afternoon I had heard birds chirping and dogs barking. For the assignment I decided to record some of that sound from a different part of my yard and picked up several different sounds. Take a listen:

I stood in the doorway at the front of my house and had the recorder going. I mainly heard the humming of late afternoon street traffic. It’s a comforting humming of engines and light, though high, squeaking of the brakes. That is until a huge truck, the size of which no one really needs to drive or can pay the ungodly cost of the gas to fuel the beast, came roaring by. Once that monster revs up the hill that is right beside my house there are chirping birds again with the light humming of the other smaller cars zipping by.

There are a couple more layers of my recording. By the eight second mark there is a clanging sound of me locking the front porch door, because my dog decided to follow me around. At one point my voice can be heard telling my dog to stop biting at my shoes as I stood there around the twenty-two second mark. There is the mumbling sound of people going by, but I didn’t see anyone walking by.  Being our town there are people walking about everywhere so they could have been on the other side of the adjoining street and my mic picked it up.

The main sound that I responded to the most is the revving engine. I am a person who really hates that sound when I’m at home. There is a time and a place for everything and in a tiny town there is no need for a land yank to be revving up the hill. It covered up the nice chirping of the birds, and destroyed the nice humming of the other cars.

It is that loud disruption, the non sequitur if you will, of the situation that just irks me. However it is the sounds of the chirping birds that bring me back into the peace of mind of being home. I promise I’m not a neoclassical critic that believes that the unities of plays should be applied to life as well, but jeez do I hate the noise.

However, once the noise has settled I am able to relax both physically and mentally to the song of our finches and the steady humming of the little cars. It’s a reminder that no matter how annoying or bad something is that it will always pass just like everything else in life. It may not be pleasant at first and it may not pass as quickly as an obnoxious truck, but all will be better in due time.

Response Essay 1: Music and Sound

GSU: ENGL 4320

January 22, 2015

Tool’s “Lateralus”

 Let me first breakdown what I am doing for this post and then we’ll get to the good stuff.

The What:

For my first response essay I have picked to write about Tool’s “Lateralus.”


The How:

I originally had a Youtube video that I listened to and, since I have heard the song before, I listened without watching the video. There are only lyric written on the video with background images of the band’s cover art. I have found a clear soundcloud for the post, and I hope the cover art isn’t too weird.

I first tried just actively listening, and felt as though I was missing out on many aspects of this song. So, I had to just listen to this song as I normally do to get my emotional and took a note of my physical reactions.

Then I did another listen through so I could have more of an actively listening experience to note what I liked and why I liked it.

Then I did ANOTHER listen through to just listen to the lyrics of the song to gather the intellectual aspect of the song.


The History:

I chose this song because I have some experience with this song. Since I heard it in my visual communications class back at Kennesaw State University I have really enjoyed this song. It reminds me of the 90’s alternative rock music that my mom and I would listen to when I was little. So I have a soft spot in my heart for this type of rock music.


The Reaction:

Okay, now for the fun part. The reaction!

I really enjoy this song because of the strong drum beat that leads the song all the way through. Not being a musically inclined person, no matter how hard I try to be, my understanding of band structuring is very vague to say the least. However, I do have a strong belief that a good band has a strong drummer as it’s backbone.

  • Emotional:
    • As I said before I have a place in my heart for alternative rock and all rock music for that matter.
    • The song resonates with me when the drums quicken and the base mixes in with the guitar to musically rush the sound. It’s as though the drum is leading up to the peak of the mountain and the guitar takes off from the peak to soar.
  • Physical:
    • This reaction makes the song resonate with me. How it makes me feel physically revolves around the drums. The drums have a primal ability that can make the heart beat in rhythm of the drum and this leads to the feeling of this beating sound surrounding and flooding my senses. This sound takes my breath away as my heartbeat increases to match the pace of the drums. It’s like running from the drumming in the deep.
    • Then when the guitar riffs hit and it feels like I have reached the finishing line. Without the drums forcing forward I can float long to the riffs from the base until the drums start up again.
    • I did notice that I rocked my body and bobbed my head more when I’m listening to this song. I think it’s impossible not to, but there is bound to be that one person out there. However, when I would actively listen I didn’t move as much and felt like I lost the main part of the song. So I had to adjust my The How part of the experiment.
  • Intellectual:
    • Once I have gotten over my feels of this song I went over this song again to figure out the lyrics, because these really don’t make any sense. When doing a cold reading of the lyrics, which I did with a lyric/video of this song, the song itself doesn’t make sense.
    • The point of the words that were used in this song was because the band was trying to hit the Fibonacci Number Sequence with their lyrics. The point was to make the syllabus of the lyrical lines match the sequence: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 5, 3, 2, 1, 1. 13, 8, 5, 3, 2, 1, 1. It’s by no means perfect, but it is really close, and a fun example of the Golden Ratio and the Fibonacci Sequence.

Fibonacci Spiral


With that barrage of numbers, please note that I am not a math person, but I did find the use of Tool’s “Lateralus” as an example of visual communication very interesting and the song stuck with me. Being in a rhetoric focus and having a communication background it really is about ‘how’ something is read and received in order to make the message effective.  That also being stated I hope this blog post is reader-friendly enough for a post/essay.