Expert Interview: Georgia State Counselor
Date/Time/Place of Interviewee:
3/19/2021, 11:00 am, Zoom call
I believe after my interview, this problem is still worth solving. My interviewee confirmed that she sees more students who are working with the problem of juggling school and their work. They have many stressors academically, financially, and emotionally. The biggest obstacle I am facing with this problem, is finding a long term solution. My interviewee shared with me the tips she gives students to help such as self care and practicing time management however these do not seem to be long term. It is human nature to stop practicing something after you feel better, resulting in going back to old habits.
Before the interview, I did not consider self care solutions to be effective but she opened my eyes to a new perspective outside of students. My solution could integrate a self care aspect to solve the problem. As there seems to be apps geared to relaxation and stress relief (Calm and Covid Coach), I am going to have to do more research on exactly what is already available and how I can create something to make it better and more of a permanent solutions for my customers.