MISSION ACCOMPLISHED-Utilizing Senses to Explore Brazil

1. Eyes Open

  • We signed up for a 2-week course to explore historical, cultural, political and structural drivers of racism and inequalities associated with population health disparities that persist in Brazil.
  • We also came with the intention to examine the Collective Health paradigm that serves as Brazil’s formal approach to mobilize research and strategize plans for transformative change that spans all tiers of influence. 





2. Ears Open

  • Every person we have encountered (from professors, dance and capoeira maestros, tour guides, musicians, cooks, Brazilian students, families in our homestays) shared incredibly moving stories, publications, works of art, music, testimonies and various sources of information that awakened our senses.

  • Altogether, these experiences captured the undeniable Brazilian spirit of being present and using all senses to honor the rich cultural diversity and lives of Brazil’s past, present, and future-without ever forgetting about the devastating accounts of colonization, slavery and contemporary drivers of inequalities.

3. Hearts and Minds Open

  • Alas, with open hearts and bright minds-the GSU cohort comes away with a sense of awe, appreciation and most importantly a deeper understanding and hope that potential solutions for social justice abound-but they require collective integration of perspectives, disciplines, partners, stakeholders to see, hear, and commit to actively taking paths that lead to improvement.


  • We must NEVER give up the search for meaning in our attempts to understand the various strategies vulnerable populations use to enhance visibility in contemporary settings and ways they pass down sacred traditions through generations


Muito Obrigado ao Brazil Por Tudo

  • May we all maintain a commitment to seek inspiration that surrounds us and spark positive change in our own communities, in the professional paths we follow, and within our personal circles. On every scale of influence-be a force for positive change. More people will join a moment-but they need a lead to follow. If you see an injustice, do something about it! Knowledge is your superpower that strengthens only when flexed.


  • Finally, seek to become good ancestors. How do we do this? Never settle for incomplete truths about history-as racism and inequalities are rooted in historical failings of mankind that cannot be revised, distorted, or repeated. We owe this to our future generations-as their wellbeing and capacity to thrive and maximize their potential-is at stake. 


One thought on “MISSION ACCOMPLISHED-Utilizing Senses to Explore Brazil

  1. What a powerful recapitulation and reflection of our journey together! Thank you Dr. Strasser and the rest of you for sharing your thoughts, perspectives, and emotions so candidly and eloquently through this Blog. Also, for capturing our experience with such beautiful pictures .

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