By: Desmond Adewakun
In my research it states that a Confirmation bias is basically information that backs up your existing beliefs. The research sources reflects my topic about being Pro vaccine or against it because it helps explains how people make decision due to cognitive bias and errors. Framing effect is a big part of everyday life because there is an arguement to be made that people are having about getting the vaccine and not getting the vaccine due to the positives and negatives effects it has on people who gets it or not . Many people in the world believe getting the vaccine is the only smart way of not contracting covid. These four annotations that I plan to use in my infographic explains how Cognitive errors and biases 1) Always look at the opposite point of view because there is a lot of negatives in getting the vaccine. 2) Most people who gets the vaccine and still ends up with covid normally blames other people when it goes wrong. 3) Only paying attention to information that confirms your beliefs when it comes down to. 4) People make their decision based on whether or not they should get vaccinated based off pure pressure and emotion of what their hearing about the vaccine. Many people in the world believe getting the vaccine is the only smart way of not contracting covid .
My first biases “Always look at the opposite point of view because there is a lot of negative in getting the vaccine” relates to my topic because my research source states that their is a lot of side effects that comes with getting vaccinated that people need to be aware of. For example, even if you end up getting the vaccine you can still end up with Covid but you will have less chance at dying due to you receiving the vaccine. Another side effect in getting vaccinated are Difficulty breathing, swelling of your face and lungs, rapid heartbeats, a bad rash all over your body, dizziness and weakness, and allergic reaction are all experiences you can have in getting vaccinated and it can also impact you on a daily basic. My second biases “Most people who gets the vaccine and still ends up with covid normally blames other people like the doctors when it goes wrong. “relates to my topic because even when your vaccinated you can still contract symptoms by going out without a mask, by not limiting your time out, not washing your when you touch things, especially not being socially distant all of those things allows you to still contract covid while still being vaccinated. Then when that happens normally people tend to assume its because of the vaccine that the doctors gave them to still end up getting it
My Third biases “People only paying attention to information that confirms your beliefs when it comes down to whether or not you get the vaccine.” relates to my topic because for instance those who have a belief in getting the vaccine is good for you often gets it because of either what they read about the vaccine or the positive effects they hear about the vaccine and when people have a belief in not getting the vaccine will most likely not get it as well but it always depends on what you hear or experience. My Fourth biases “People make their decision based on whether or not they should get vaccinated based off pure pressure and emotion of what their hearing about the vaccine “relates to my topic because people who are normally not vaccinated gets pure pressed with emotion to take the vaccine by either what they hear on the news or by their peers that persuades them to take it without actually believing in your own beliefs.
My Annotated Infographic: