Expert Advice on Creating a Power Point

Power Points can enhance or distract from any presentation you are asked to give. How can you make sure yours is an ENHANCER?

I asked myself the same thing while reading some advice from experts Garr Reynolds and David Epstein. Here is what I learned:

1. Ask yourself what three things you would want your audience to remember, if they could only remember three things about your presentation. Sometimes the message gets lost in the creation of the Power Point. Asking this question before you design your Power Point will help you plan a clear message. Asking it again afterwards will help you see whether or not the goal of your presentation will be met.

2. Tell a story that is personal, relevant, and memorable. The information that I find important needs to come across to my audience in a way that feels just as important to them. I think the best way to do this is to try to get in the audience’s head and make the information relatable.

3. Make the slides last. I had never heard this, but I will try it next time. The idea is that you write the presentation, rehearse and time it, then make the slides. This will ensure the Power Point enhances your presentation and that the message is in your speech.

Now, go present!

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