Interview 1 

Interview 1

  1. Questions: Write the five or so main questions you asked.
    1. What do you do in your personal time/life?
    2. What do you do as far as work or your career?
    3. As a type of entrepreneur do you feel your personal life affects your professional life? How so?
    4. What helps you stay focused in your professional career?
    5. How do you keep track of personal and professional goals?
  2. Interviewee 1-5: Create a summary for each of the five interviewees.
    1. Interviewee 1
      1. 10/13/20- 1:30-Office space
      2. Summarized bullet points of the interviewee responses including:
        1. Emotions-Frustrated
        2. Values- Career, family, relationship
        3. what is the user trying to do- spend time with their friends and family but also building their brand
        4. current solutions- physical planners and mental notes of personal/ professional goals
        5. deficiencies of current solutions- they still feel like their failing at life while spending time with family
        6. typical source of advice/knowledge-manager friend advice
        7. other pertinent information- Rapper, small business owner and Instagram Model
    2. Interviewee 2
      1. 10/13/20- 1:45-Office space
      2. Summarized bullet points of the interviewee responses including:
        1. Emotions-anxious, cautious
        2. Values- Career and Family
        3. what is the user trying to do – Focus on themselves, in their era of self love and self care.
        4. current solutions- daily affirmations, physical planner
        5. deficiencies of current solutions- system works better for personal motivation and not professional
        6. typical source of advice/knowledge- youtube mental health podcasts
        7. other pertinent information- Singer, makeup artist and Instagram model
    3. Interviewee 3
      1. 10/13/20- 2:00-Office space
      2. Summarized bullet points of the interviewee responses including:
        1. Emotions- tired, focused
        2. Values- Career, Family and relationship
        3. what is the user trying to do- balance life as a mother, wife, and working woman
        4. current solutions- planner, alotted time to the individuals in her family
        5. deficiencies of current solutions- not sustainable, syill hasn’t fit work back into her life
        6. typical source of advice/knowledge- therapist
        7. other pertinent information- Entrepreneur, mother and Instagram model
    4. Interviewee 4
      1. 10/13/20- 2:15-Office space
      2. Summarized bullet points of the interviewee responses including:
        1. Emotions-comfortable, relaxed
        2. Values- Career and friends
        3. what is the user trying to do- surpass work goals
        4. current solutions- daily weekly and monthly checkpoints
        5. deficiencies of current solutions- not omitted to passing checkpoints because they are so wrapped up in their personal life right now
        6. typical source of advice/knowledge- friends, themselves
        7. other pertinent information- Stylist, small business owner
    5. Interviewee 5
      1. 10/13/20- 2:30-Office space
      2. Summarized bullet points of the interviewee responses including:
        1. Emotions-stressed, anxious, pessimistic
        2. Values- Career and self
        3. what is the user trying to do- Separate work and personal life?
        4. current solutions- N/A- they don’t have any right now-
        5. deficiencies of current solutions- haven’t succeeded in separation
        6. typical source of advice/knowledge- mother, friends
        7. other pertinent information- Photographer, artist, independent creative
  3. Analysis:  Most solopreneurs are anxious, frustrated or too comfortable with how they’re planning their lives. Their values lie mainly in career and family, but most an only focus on one at a time.
  4. Reflection: Reflect on the patterns you identified… what is the user trying to do? The users are trying to find balance in working and personal lives but as a solopreneur its difficult when the line between the two are blurry.  Your personal and professional lives heavily depend on each other so in a sense it feels like you never stop working.

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