I encounter a form of art as soon as my eyes open every morning. Although it is the same thing I see every morning, does not mean it is not art because i seen it yesterday. My furniture is really creative I wouldn’t be able to put or even think about putting it together myself. When I seen the picture on the internet of this bed I wanted it right away because it communicated who I was but someone else could look at this bed frame and just go “it is cute.” They wouldn’t think as deep as I thought about it, although there are people who will agree and say “this bed fits you.” That is exactly what art is we see a work of art and it communicates to us but just because a piece of work doesn’t seem to touch someone the way it may impact the next person doesn’t mean it isn’t art. Art is everyday life, say you walk out the door and it is raining, you see a rainbow across the sky and snap a picture. If you were to post the picture on your blog i would see this picture as seeing the bright side to a gloomy day or bad situation. Art is taking a simple or not so simple image beyond a simple mind state.
Art has a lot to do with as far as you see yourself. Aesthetic art which was spoken about in all the videos provided for our assignment this week is what I can relate to. I am a member of tumblr and the people I follow on there post aesthetic art, I can sit on there for hours just reposting and liking these images. But before I watched these videos i did not even know these images i loved looking at was art. Aesthetic art is truly all about style something that fits you as art is art. Even the images hanging up in my room and bathroom I didn’t really consider them art because they weren’t Mona Lisas'(you can see these picture in the image posted below). Now I know that these images I have hanging up in my room just to remind me how awesome I am are images that are actual art. “Art transcends language” as described by Leon Botstein. This is what I experience by looking at the images in my room. They move me in a way that brightens my day.
“The Scream” is not an image that i would ever hang up in my wall. When it is explained to me I am able to see the beauty of the image and also look at it for what I see it as. If an image is not beautiful to me it does not play a role in what art is and is not. I am able to think deeper than just saying I don’t like the image. I can still consider something art even if I don’t particularly think it is beautiful.
I love the way you explained this, I agree with what you said about if something is not considered beautiful to you then it doesn’t mean it’s not art, because it still can be. While there is always someone thinking and digging deeper when it comes to art because everyone notices things different.
I like your quote “Art is taking a simple or not so simple image beyond a simple mind state” and think you did a great job of explaining what this means to you.
I agree with your “although it is the same thing I see every morning, does not mean it is not art because i seen it yesterday.” Because i think everything is art in our life. I even think animals are art.
Hello! I am an active member of tumblr myself, and I love it because nobody I know follows me on tumblr, not even my friends. It’s truly my private space, and one can interpret almost everything on tumblr as a form of art. Also, I love your bed frame! To me, it’s a classic piece.
Furthermore, I like how you said, “art has a lot to do with as far as you see yourself,” because I find this very true. However, I have met some people and they simply do not find the idea of art interesting, and I feel like it’s just because they’re different, which isn’t a bad thing!